June Movie Programming

We’re so excited to be a part of your school programming calendar! There’s no limit to how our movie license can be used in your school to further engage students and their families. Find some of our top picks for pairing new releases and throwback hits with obvious – and not-so-obvious – holiday celebrations below.





Family Engagement:
World Softball Day (June 13)

Family Softball Game: Host a family softball game where parents and children can team up and play against each other. This can be a fun and engaging way to bring families together and encourage physical activity. Cap off the event with a screening of a baseball-themed film on the field.





Reward Days/Fundraising:
Dinosaur Day (June 1)

Go all out for a dino day at school! Invite students to come dressed as their favorite dinosaur for a costume contest, host a dinosaur egg hunt around campus, or do a dinosaur dig with a sandbox filled with dinosaur bones students can excavate! End the fun-filled day with dinosaur-themed snacks, like dino shaped chicken nubggets and fossil cookies, for students to enjoy while watching a themed film.





First Day of Summer (June 21)

Drive-In Movie Screening: Set up a drive-in movie screening in the school parking lot, with a selection of family-friendly movies that celebrate the start of summer. Provide attendees with snacks and drinks, and encourage them to bring their own blankets and chairs.




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View the previous month's programming ideas.