Family Engagement for All


“The goal of purchasing a public performance with Swank was to provide something equitable across the school district. We represent 16 units and 15 buildings, and we wanted to provide something that everyone in our district could utilize and enjoy.”  

-  Annie Faivus, President of Sachem PTA in New York



Watch this video to learn more about how Swank Movie Licensing USA helps New York State PTA to achieve their goals of family engagement for everyone, while staying within the confines of copyright law.





An Annual Public Performance Site License from Swank Movie Licensing USA grants copyright protection to show movies anywhere, anytime in your buildings. Plus, Swank partners with the top Hollywood studios so you can license the most popular films to engage students and their families. Browse films covered by the Swank license here.

Please fill out the form below to receive more information about movie licensing options.

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