Author Movie Licensing USA / Oct 18, 2022

November Programming Ideas

We’re so excited to be a part of your school programming calendar! There’s no limit to how our movie license can be used in your school to further engage students and their families. Find some of our top picks for pairing new releases and throwback hits with obvious – and not-so-obvious – holiday celebrations below.



Family Engagement:

Veteran’s Day (November 11)

Create programming to help your school community show their appreciation this Veteran’s Day. Consider crafting ‘thank you’ notes to send to organizations like Operation Gratitude or A Million Thanks; help raise funds or collect donations for relevant organizations, or reach out to a local VA hospital or Fisher House to see how you could brighten the day of someone who’s served our country. 




Reward Days/Fundraising:

FIFA World Cup (Nov. 20-Dec.18)

The FIFA World Cup only happens every four years. Make the most of this exciting time in your school community with a screening of a soccer-focused film. Beforehand, host a friendly skills competition – featuring juggling, keepie uppie, shooting, and more.





American Indian & Alaska Native Heritage Month/Thanksgiving

Celebrate this important awareness initiative in your school community by teaching students about the real history of Native Americans and Indigenous Peoples in America, share info about contemporary Native Americans/American Indians and include relevant – and respectful activities and crafts. To ensure accuracy and provide a more complete picture, consider inviting a local tribe or tribe member to take part