Author Movie Licensing USA / Jan 05, 2024

February Movie Programming

We’re so excited to be a part of your school programming calendar! There’s no limit to how our movie license can be used in your school to further engage students and their families. Find some of our top picks for pairing new releases and throwback hits with obvious – and not-so-obvious – celebrations below.



Family Engagement:
Black History Month (February)

Create a history walk event on school grounds featuring informative displays, posters and exhibits that showcase key moments and influential figures in Black history. You could also spotlight live performances such as spoken word poetry, storytelling or live music that celebrate the rich cultural heritage within your school community.



Reward Days/Fundraising:
The Big Game (February 11)

Get into the football spirit ahead of the Big Game with a tailgate-themed movie event. Offer typical concession-type food like hot dogs and popcorn. Invite people to come dressed in the colors or jerseys of the team they’re rooting for, and organize friendly competitions for pre-movie entertainment. Ideas include a mini football tournament, punt, pass and kick contest, or football-themed trivia.



Valentine’s Day (February 14)

Celebrate the love families and friends have for one another this February 14 with a special movie event. Hang fairy lights in your gymnasium, setup cozy seating and share a heartwarming film that everyone can enjoy. Before the movie, organize a craft station with materials for students to DIY their Valentine’s Day cards, or stations for making friendship bracelets or other small crafts.